Agatha Christie. Philomel Cottage (in English, adapted for upper-intermediate)

Проверьте себя, знаете ли вы английские прилагательные к части 2:

sharp, right, natural, formal, different, excited, lonely, сomfortable, own (9 — intermediate);

straw, familiar, nearest (near), unique (4 — upper-intermediate).

Прилагательные для изучения (part 2):

  1. sharp – резкий, неприятный (на слух)
  2. familiar – знакомый
  3. right – правильный
  4. natural – естественный
  5. formal – формальный
  6. different – разный, различный
  7. straw – соломенный
  8. excited – возбужденный
  9. unique  – уникальный
  10. lonely  – одинокий, уединенный
  11. nearest – ближайший
  12. comfortable – удобный
  13. own – собственный

Agatha Christie. Philomel Cottage (in English, for intermediate, 2)

Сложные слова и выражения (часть 2)

  1. the lack of warmth – неискренность
  2. But I may be moving on any time. – Но я в любое время могу уехать.
  3. was captivated – была очарована (от  captivate – очаровывать, пленять )
  4. a hitch occurred – произошла заминка (от  occur – происходить  )
  5. though had of a good income – хотя имел хороший доход (от  have a good income – иметь хороший доход )

Suddenly Alix heard the sharp ringing of the telephone bell from within the house. She entered the cottage, and picked up the receiver. She was so surprised when she heard the familiar voice.

«Who did you say was speaking?»

«Why, Alix, what’s the matter with your voice? I wouldn’t have known it. It’s Dick.»

«Oh!» said Alix, «Oh! Where are you?»

«At the «Travellers Arms» — that’s the right name, isn’t it? Or don’t you even know of the existence of your village pub? I’m on my holiday — doing a bit of fishing here. Any objection to my visiting you, two good people, this evening after dinner?»

«No,» said Alix sharply. «You mustn’t come.»

There was a pause, and then Dick spoke again. «I beg your pardon,» he said formally. «Of course, I won’t bother you.» Alix hesitated. It was extraordinary. It wasn’t Dick’s fault that she had these dreams. «I only meant that we were – busy tonight,» she explained, trying to make her voice sound as natural as possible. «Won’t you — won’t you come to dinner tomorrow night?»
But Dick evidently noticed the lack of warmth in her tone.

«Thanks very much,» he said, in the same formal voice. «But I may be moving on any time. Depends upon whether a friend of mine turns up or not. Good-bye, Alix.»

He paused, and then added quickly, in a different tone, «Best of luck to you, my dear.» Alix hung up the receiver with a feeling of relief.

«He mustn’t come here,» she repeated to herself. «He mustn’t come here. I’m glad he’s not coming.»
She took a straw hat from a table, and went out into the garden again, pausing to look up at the name over the porch, PHILOMEL COTTAGE. It was Gerald who had found Philomel Cottage. One day he had come to Alix very excited. He had found the house for them — unique — a gem — the chance of a lifetime. And when Alix had seen it, she too was captivated. It was true that its location was rather lonely — they were two miles from thenearest village — but the cottage itself was so nice and comfortablewith bathrooms, hot-water system, electric light and telephone, that she liked it immediately.

And then a hitch occurred. The owner declined to rent it. He would only sell. Gerald Martin, though had of a good income, was unable to touch his capital. He could get only a thousand pounds. The owner was asking three. But Alix, who liked the house so much, came to the rescue. She had her own capital and she decided to use half of it to the purchase of the home. So Philomel Cottage became their own, and never for a minute had Alix regretted the choice.

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