Conan Doyle. The Adventure of the Lion’s Mane (adapted for intermediate)

Слова для понимания:

  • deserted — пустынный
  • ascend — подниматься
  • unfastened — не застегнута
  • savage — дикарь
  • to crawl away — уползти прочь
  • caves — пещеры
  • note — записка
  • make an appointment — назначить встречу
  • mere chance — простая случайность
  • vindictive feeling — чуdство мести
  • run the business — имеет свой бизнес
Essential Vocabulary for the story «The Adventure of the Lion’s Mane» by A. Conan Doyle (английские слова, которые надо знать прежде, чем начать читать эту историю) даны ниже:

  1. to look around
  2. to dress — undress
  3. a towel
  4. a naked foot
  5. to bathe
  6. to put on his clothes
  7. small caves
  8. a crime
  9. to gather
  10. a dead body
  11. pockets
  12. a handkerchief
  13. a knife
  14. a piece of paper
  15. advice
  16. to advise
  17. to search the beach
  18. to made an appointment
  19. to insist on
  20. to be dreadfully upset
  21. to quarrel over
  22. a real beauty
  23. to own
  24. sooner or later
  25. to find the motive
  26. a criminal
  27. to lead to
  28. to gather together

  1. look around — оглядеться
  2. dress/ undress — одеться/ раздеться
  3. towel — полотенце
  4. naked foot — обнаженная ступня
  5. to bathe — купаться
  6. to put on his clothes — надеть одежду
  7. small caves — маленькие пещеры
  8. crime — преступление
  9. to gather — собирать (ся)
  10. gather together — собраться вместе
  11. dead body — мертвое тело
  12. pockets — карманы
  13. handkerchief — носовой платок
  14. knife — нож
  15. a piece of paper — лист бумаги
  16. advice/advise — совет/ советовать
  17. search the beach — обыскать пляж
  18. made an appointment — назначить встречу
  19. insist on — настаивать на
  20. be upset — расстроиться
  21. quarrel over — поссориться из-за (ссора из-за)
  22. a real beauty — настоящая красавица
  23. own — владеть
  24. sooner or later — рано или поздно
  25. find the motive — найти мотив
  26. criminal — преступник
  27. lead to — вести к
  28. gather together — собраться вместе

Arthur Conan Doyle. The Adventure of the Lion’s Mane. Part 2 (adapted for intermediate level)

Слова, выделенные оранжевым шрифтом, встречались ранее. Постарайтесь их вспомнить!

First I looked around to see who was on the beach. It was deserted, only two or three dark figures were seen far away going towards the village of Fulworth. I walked slowly down the path. There was clay mixed with the chalk, and everywhere I saw the same footsteps. No one else had descended to the beach by the path that morning. At one place I saw the print of an open hand with the fingers. This could only mean that poor McPherson had fallen as he ascended. We found the place where McPherson had undressed, as there was his towel on a rock. It was dry, he had never entered the water. I found the print of his shoe, and also of his naked foot. This fact proved that he was ready to bathe, but he had not actually done it.

It was very strange that the man who had undressed and was going to bathe then had suddenly put on his clothes in such a hurry  — they were all unfastened. What had happened? Who was that savage that had whipped him and then left with only strength enough to crawl away and to die. Who had done such a cruel thing?

There were small caves in the base of the cliffs but there was no place to hide. I looked around and saw some distant figures on the beach. They seemed too far away to have been connected with the crime. On the sea two or three fishing boats were at no great distance. The people might be watching the coast from there.

So I returned to the body, some people had gathered round it. They were Stackhurst, Ian Murdoch and Anderson, the village constable. The constable was searching the dead man’s pockets. He found a handkerchief, a large knife, and a piece of paper, where it was written:

I will be there, you may be sure.


The constable put the things into the pockets of the dead man’s coat. I advised the constable to search the beach very carefully. Then I left them and walked back to my house for breakfast.

Stackhurst came to my place in an hour or two to tell me that the body had been removed to the Gables. He told me that nothing had been found in the small caves below the cliff, but he had examined the papers in McPherson’s writing table and there were several letters from  Miss Maud Bellamy. So, we had learnt the identity of the writer of the note.

“The police have the letters,” he explained. “It seemed that the lady had made an appointment with him.”

“But the beach is not a good place. It is usually visited by students,” I remarked.

“It is mere chance,” said he, “that he was alone at that moment.”

“Was it mere chance?”

Stackhurst thought for some time.

“Some students were going to swim, too. But Ian Murdoch insisted on some algebraic demonstration before breakfast,” said he. “He is dreadfully upset now.”

“Ian Murdoch? I guess that they were not friends because of that quarrel over the dog.””

“That ended all right.”

“But left some vindictive feeling, perhaps. Ok, then let us see what we know about the girl.”

“Oh, she is a real beauty, Holmes. I knew that McPherson liked her, but those letters….. It had gone so far. But who is she?”

“She is the daughter of old Tom Bellamy who owns all the boats at Fulworth. He and his son William run the business.

“Let us go to the village and see them. The circle of people in this lonely place was very limited. So sooner or later we will find the motive, which in turn will lead us to the criminal.”

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