Одновременно с просмотром фильма «The Hound of the Baskervilles» учите английские слова. Они помогут вам лучше понимать речь героев в фильме. Не забудьте про обозначения:
(n) is for noun / существительное; артикли «a/ the » также ставятся перед существительным
(adj) is for adjective / прилагательное
(v) is for verb / глагол; частица to — ставится перед глаголом в начальной форме (инфинитив)
(adv) is for adverb / наречие
- Episode One
- Episode Two
- Episode Three
- Episode Four
- Episode Five
- Episode Six
- Episode Seven
- Episode Eight
* * *
Check your vocabulary to Episode One.
- my patient
- a heart decease (n)
- any signs of violence
- prepare (v)
- luggage (n)
- to start for London
- traces
- on the ground
- an escape
- advise (v)
- a nervous state
- to have an appoitment
- an article
- public (adj)
- private (adj)
- a superstition
- a legend
- the ghost of the hound
- sudden
- bloody
- a mysterious death
- moors
- a strange creature
- footprints
- a gigantic hound
* * *
Check your vocabulary to Episode 2:
- notice (v)
- change of the footprints
- to walk on tiptoe
- investigate (v)
- the case (n)
- investigation
- to arrive at the station
- to run for life
- fear (n)
- a freezing night
- to value your life
- to keep away from
- yesterday’s Times
- an article
- an envelope
- to stay at
- an educated man
- uneducated (adj)
- an effort
- follow (v)
- lose (lost — lost)
- find (found, found)
- sneak (v)
- steal (stole, stolen)
* * *
Check your vocabulary to Episode 3:
- a convict
- an escape
- hang (hanged, hanged)
- a crime
- at the time of
- a black beard
- a will завещание
- leave (left, left)
- a residue
- a sum
- a desperate game
- have to
- decide (v)
- to prevent from
- alone (adv)
- by your side
- a great misfortune
- to avoid the moor
- powers of evil
- a prison — тюрьма
- to follow two gentelmen
- a black beard
- a convict
- a wild beast
- This way.
- Who is it?
- to die penniless
* * *
Check your vocabulary to Episode 4:
- No wonder.
- an excellent meal
- tired by
- a journey
- cheerful
- to hear (heard, heard)
- my wife
- the sound
- human (adj)
- to excavate a skeleton
- to introduce you to my sister
- so changeable
- to go back
- to keep away from the moor
- in great danger
* * *
Check your vocabulary to Episode 5:
- a find
- to stay
- be devoted to
- neighbours
- to return
- shouldn’t
- take care of
- a beauty
- rare beauty
- make it worse
- experience
- senses
- knowledge
- play the violin
- communicate with
- to happen
- to fear
- to lie
- amount
* * *
Check your vocabulary to Episode 6.
- sins
- to catch
- to shoot
- Jesus Christ
- fire
- look like
- the spirit
- the convict
- to get in
- to lock
- to expect
- Forgive me!
- a trick
- furious
- dead
- my fault
- ordeal
* * *
Check your vocabulary to Episode 7.
- had better
- would prefer
- news
- the law
- a body
- blame
- for my sake
- a lover
- to suffer
- to agree
- blood
- strengh
- be responsible for
- to clear up
- a message
- an invitation
- a note
- in reality
- fright
- to prove
- dreadful
- creature
- to fall in love
- to make acquaintance
* * *
Check your vocabulary to Episode 8.
- Father Christmas
- a jaw
- Do you mind?
- really
- a little cold
- to leave
- to scare
- friendly advice
- be delighted