Essential Vocabulary to the film «The Hound of the Baskervilles»

Одновременно с просмотром фильма «The Hound of the Baskervilles» учите английские слова. Они помогут вам лучше понимать речь героев в фильме. Не забудьте про обозначения:

(n) is for noun / существительное; артикли «a/ the » также ставятся перед существительным

(adj) is for adjective / прилагательное

(v) is for verb / глагол; частица to — ставится перед глаголом в начальной форме (инфинитив)

(adv) is for adverb / наречие

  1. Episode One
  2. Episode Two
  3. Episode Three
  4. Episode Four
  5. Episode Five
  6. Episode Six
  7. Episode Seven
  8. Episode Eight

* * *

Check your vocabulary to Episode One.

  1. my patient
  2. a heart decease (n)
  3. any signs of violence
  4. prepare (v)
  5. luggage (n)
  6. to start for London
  7. traces
  8. on the ground
  9. an escape
  10. advise (v)
  11. a nervous state
  12. to have an appoitment
  13. an article
  14. public (adj)
  15. private (adj)
  16. a superstition
  17. a legend
  18. the ghost of the hound
  19. sudden
  20. bloody
  21. a mysterious death
  22. moors
  23. a strange creature
  24. footprints
  25. a gigantic hound

* * *

Check your vocabulary to Episode 2:

  1. notice (v)
  2. change of the footprints
  3. to walk on tiptoe
  4. investigate (v)
  5. the case (n)
  6. investigation
  7. to arrive at the station
  8. to run for life
  9. fear (n)
  10. a freezing night
  11. to value your life
  12. to keep away from
  13. yesterday’s Times
  14. an article
  15. an envelope
  16. to stay at
  17. an educated man
  18. uneducated (adj)
  19. an effort
  20. follow (v)
  21. lose (lost — lost)
  22. find (found, found)
  23. sneak (v)
  24. steal (stole, stolen)

* * *

Check your vocabulary to Episode 3:

  1. a convict
  2. an escape
  3. hang (hanged, hanged)
  4. a crime
  5. at the time of
  6. a black beard
  7. a will  завещание
  8. leave (left, left)
  9. a residue
  10. a sum
  11. a desperate game
  12. have to
  13. decide (v)
  14. to prevent from
  15. alone (adv)
  16. by your side
  17. a great misfortune
  18. to avoid the moor
  19. powers of evil
  20. a prison — тюрьма
  21. to follow two gentelmen
  22. a black beard
  23. a convict
  24. a wild beast
  25. This way.
  26. Who is it?
  27. to die penniless

* * *

Check your vocabulary to Episode 4:

  1. No wonder.
  2. an excellent meal
  3. tired by
  4. a journey
  5. cheerful
  6. to hear (heard, heard)
  7. my wife
  8. the sound
  9. human (adj)
  10. to excavate a skeleton
  11. to introduce you to my sister
  12. so changeable
  13. to go back
  14. to keep away from the moor
  15. in great danger

* * *

Check your vocabulary to Episode 5:

  1. a find
  2. to stay
  3. be devoted to
  4. neighbours
  5. to return
  6. shouldn’t
  7. take care of
  8. a beauty
  9. rare beauty
  10. make it worse
  11. experience
  12. senses
  13. knowledge
  14. play the violin
  15. communicate with
  16. to happen
  17. to fear
  18. to lie
  19. amount

  • Practice listening and watch again (recommended) — Episode 5
  • Read the Chapter 5 of the adapted version — Part 5
  • Continue watching the film — Episode 6

* * *

Check your vocabulary to Episode 6.

  1. sins
  2. to catch
  3. to shoot
  4. Jesus Christ
  5. fire
  6. look like
  7. the spirit
  8. the convict
  9. to get in
  10. to lock
  11. to expect
  12. Forgive me!
  13. a trick
  14. furious
  15. dead
  16. my fault
  17. ordeal

  • Practice listening and watch again (recommended) — Episode 6
  • Read the Chapter 6 of the adapted version — Part 6
  • Continue watching the film — Episode 7

* * *

Check your vocabulary to Episode 7.

  1. had better
  2. would prefer
  3. news
  4. the law
  5. a body
  6. blame
  7. for my sake
  8. a lover
  9. to suffer
  10. to agree
  11. blood
  12. strengh
  13. be responsible for
  14. to clear up
  15. a message
  16. an invitation
  17. a note
  18. in reality
  19. fright
  20. to prove
  21. dreadful
  22. creature
  23. to fall in love
  24. to make acquaintance

  • Practice listening and watch again (recommended) — Episode 7
  • Read the Chapter 7 of the adapted version —Part 7
  • Continue watching the film — Episode 8

* * *

Check your vocabulary to Episode 8. 

  1. Father Christmas
  2. a jaw
  3. Do you mind?
  4. really
  5. a little cold
  6. to leave
  7. to scare
  8. friendly advice
  9. be delighted

  • Practice listening and watch again (recommended) — Episode 8
  • Read the Chapter 8 of the adapted version — Part 8


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