В этом разделе вы найдете тексты на английском языке. Предлагаем прочитать короткий текст на тему «Учеба». Текст называется «University Days» (Университетские дни). Текст снабжен переводом наиболее трудных выражений и подходит для изучающих английский язык (уровень intermediate — средний). Для изучающих английский язык есть перевод текста на русский язык.
Tекст на английском языке на тему «Учеба»
University Days
Слова для понимания:
- for — так как
- call on— вызвать отвечать
- used his big feet very well on the football field — здесь «блистал на футбольном поле»
- fall behind — отстать
I liked Physics and Chemistry when I was at the university, but I wasn’t very good at Economics. There was another student, whose name was Jim Green, who was even worse. He was one of the star players on the football team, but he couldn’t continue to play if he didn’t pass all his examinations. That was very difficult, for though Jim used his big feet very well on the football field, he couldn’t make any goals in the classroom.
All his professors were very good to Jim and helped him. But especially good to him was our Economics professor, a quiet little man whose name was Bassum. He always asked Green the simplest questions, but they didn’t seem easy to Jim. One day, when we were studying transport, Professor Bassum called on Green. “Name one means of transport,” the professor said, but Green looked helpless. “Something that takes us from one place to another,” the professor explained. Green opened his mouth, but nothing came out of it. “Perhaps, Mr Green,” the professor continued, “you can name the means of transport that we use when we go on long trip.” It was very, very quiet in the room, but suddenly the professor made a strange sound: “Choo-choo-…” and his face became red. He looked at class hopefully. All of us agreed with professor Bassum that Jimmy Green must not fall behind, because the Chicago game, one of the most important of the season, was not far away.
“Toot, tooooot, too-oooooooooot,” came from a student in the back of the room. We all looked hopefully at Jimmy Green.
“Ding-dong, ding-dong,” came from another part of the room. The professor finished the performance: “Chuffa- chuffa, chuffa-chuffa.” But all these sounds didn’t help to give Jimmie any ideas. So the professor tried again:
“How did you come to the university this year, Mr. Green?” he asked.
“My father sent me,” said the football player.
“On what? On what?” asked the professor.
“He gave me money,” the champion answered slowly.
“No, no,” said Bassum. “Name the means of transport. What did you travel on?”
“Train,” said Jimmie.
“Quite right! Very good, Mr. Green,” said the professor. “Now, another student, Mr Quincy, please tell us….”
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