Edgar Poe’s story “The Gold Bug” (advanced)

The Gold Bug Edgar Poe read online with dictionary

Edgar Poe’s story “The Gold Bug” is for those who like adventurous stories. It is adapted for the advanced level, which means that it is a little shortened and some obsolete words have been replaced for synonyms. There are lists of English words for better understanding.
Also the dictionary on the website can be turned on by clicking on the word twice. It makes reading online fast and enjoyable. Besides, you can rack your brain solving the riddle of the famous pirate, Captain Kidd!
You are welcome to read online the adventurous story by Edgar Poe — The Gold Bug (advanced).

Edgar Poe. The Black Cat (in English, adapted for upper-intermediate)

The Black Cat intermediateКороткий рассказ «The Black Cat» (Черный кот) известного американского писателя Эдгара По, рассказы которого относится к жанру horror stories. Это страшная история про кота, рассказанная от имени ожидающего смерти убийцы своей жены. История о том, как добрый человек, любивший животных, под влиянием алкоголя постепенно превращается в садиста, а затем убийцу. Этот рассказ  имеет сходство с другим рассказом Эдгара По «The Tell-Tale Heart» (Сердце-обличитель), в котором человек, совершивший преступление, сам не позволяет себе остаться безнаказанным и в порыве безрассудства выдает себя. Рассказ «Черный кот»  предлагается для чтения на английском языке также и в более упрощенном варианте —Edgar Poe. The Black Cat (for beginners).

Edgar Poe. The Black Cat (a horror story in English for beginners, 1843)

"The Black Cat" by Edgar Poe for intermediateEnjoy reading the most well-known short story by Edgar Poe «The Black Cat» from the collection of  stories by Edgar Poe. This is a horror story about a man who was becoming evil under the influence of drinking alchohol. Through life his character changed completely and in the end he became the murderer. At first he killed his favourite pet, the black cat, but the dead cat started to take revenge … In the end it helped to reveal the most cruel murder.

The story is adapted and is easy to read. While reading online, you can learn the words you don’t know.

There is a more difficult version of the story «The Black Cat (intermediate)». Enjoy learning English through the classics!

A Horror Story by Edgar Poe. The Tell-Tale Heart (in English, for intermediate) with translation

Horror stories by Edgar Poe

This horror story «The Tell-Tale Heart» by Edgar Poe is one of my favourite ones. It is a little bit crazy and very tensive.
The plot of the story is rather simple. Two people, a young one and an old one, lived together. The young man helped the old man to keep the house. But with time the old man started to irritate the young. It was his pale blue eye that made him mad.  What happpened in the end you will know when you read the story.
Good luck with learning English through horror stories by Edgar Poe.

Edgar Allan Poe. The Raven (in Russian and in English)

Эдгар по. Ворон

Если Вы когда-либо оставались один в доме, то, возможно, тоже обращали внимание на странные стуки, которые начинают раздаваться, когда стемнеет. Представьте ночь, стоит полная тишина, и вдруг раздается стук, потом еще и еще…  Страшно? Да нет, ничего страшного! Это просто птицы бегают по крыше дома и стучат по ней своими клювами. Я сама часто слышу такие стуки по ночам. Догадались, какое стихотворение написал, услышав подобные стуки, известный американский писатель-романтик Эдгар По? Cлучилась эта темная история в 1844 году.

Edgar Allan Poe. The Tell-Tale Heart (in English, in the original)

short stories by Edgar Poe The Tell Tale Heart

Read and listen the creepy story by Edgar Allan Poe «The Tale-Tell Heart», which was written in the year of 1843. It is from the collection of best stories by Edgar Poe. The story is read by Bryan Reid. I was really gripped by his voice. Great thanks))) It takes only 18 minutes to listen.

What is more, you can watch the screen version of the story (1941). Despite the year of the production and the black and white screening, it is really enjoyable.

There are the list of English words to remember!