English Lessons on the history of England, 1819 (for advanced level)

Это цикл уроков английского языка по теме «История Англии, 1819 год». В этот год произошли два главных события — это рождение королевы Виктории и смерть ее отца герцога Кентского. Если Вы не очень хорошо знаете историю Англии, прежде чем приступить к урокам, прочитайте несколько статей на русском языке.

Целью уроков на данном этапе изучения языка является расширение и активизация лексики и переход с уровня Intermediate на уровень Advanced.

English Lessons on the history of England, 1819 (advanced level)

Урок 1 из цикла «Уроки английского языка по истории Англии 1819 год».

Урок 1 включает в себя 5 текстов. Вы можете разделить его на несколько уроков по желанию. В этом уроке для изучения предлагаются тексты на английском языке по истории Англии (1819 год). Изучите цепочки слов-синонимов к каждому тексту.

Уроки 2-4 содержать списки слов и предложения на перевод для отработки лексики.

Методические рекомендации к урокам:

Для примера рассмотрим список синонимов к тексту №1.

  1. barely = hardly = didn’t (в контексте прошедшего времени)
  2. upsurge = rise = increase
  3. jubilation = exultation = feeling of triumph = great happiness
  4. severe = deep
  5. strained job market = unemployment = having not enough work
  6. riot = rebel ( сущ. riot = rebellion )

Последнее слово в цепочке является самым легким и соответствует уровню Intermediate (предполагается, что Вы его знаете). Если нет, то Ваш уровень ниже Intermediate и нужно перейти к урокам уровня Intermediate — Five texts on the History of England (Intermediate)

Постарайтесь запомнить эти пары слов!!!

[orange]Как работать с текстами №1-5:

Теперь, после того как Вы выучили эти пары слов (Помните, как учить английские слова!) приступаем к их активизации. Это нужно сделать обязательно, иначе Вы их снова забудете! Для этого чтобы дать понять нашей памяти, что эти слова важны и нужны, надо их использовать. Итак, выполняйте такое упражнение несколько раз день (лучше утром и вечером), чтобы окончательно запомнить 40 слов уровня Advanced. [/orange]

Задание по активизации лексики (для текстов №1 — 5) :

1) сначала переведите текст на русский язык. Проверьте себя (нумерация текстов на английском и переводов совпадает) — здесь

2) Затем прочитайте текст на английском языке. Не торопитесь четко проговаривайте слова и проверяйте произношение.

3) Замените слова уровня Intermediate на слова уровня Advanced (устно). Прочитайте текст еще раз на английском языке.

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TEXT 1. ENGLAND, THE YEAR OF 1819 (Intermediate)

Список синонимов к тексту №1.

  1. barely = hardly = didn’t (в контексте прошедшего времени)
  2. upsurge = rise = increase
  3. jubilation = exultation = feeling of triumph = great happiness
  4. severe = deep
  5. strained job market = unemployment = having not enough work
  6. riot = rebel ( сущ. riot = rebellion )

It was the year when on the 24th of May the queen Victoria was born. However, England hardly noticed the birth of the little princess. After the feeling of triumph at the end of the Napoleonic Wars, the country had sunk into the deep depression. Three hundred thousand men who had been soldiers and sailors couldn’t find work. Wage levels were pushed down and a wave of protest swept the country. A poor harvest in 1816 pushed up the price of wheat. Many could not afford bread and hungry people rebelled across the country.

В мае 1819 года родилась королева Виктория. Однако, в то время жителей мало интересовало рождение принцессы. На смену волне ликования по поводу окончания Наполеоновской войны, шла великая депрессия. Триста тысяч солдат и моряков вернувшись с войны, оказались выброшены на произвол судьбы в связи с нехваткой рабочих мест. В то время как зарплата снижалась, страну охватывала волна протестов. А плохой урожай стал причиной повышения цен на пшеницу. У многих людей просто не хватало денег на хлеб, начались голодные бунты.

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Список синонимов к текстам №2 (advanced)

  1. simmer with resurrection = restore the economy
  2. impecunious = who need money badly
  3. alight on = choose
  4. hope against the odds = hope against hope (надеяться на чудо)

With the country restoring its economy after the war, the government could not make a public award to the Kents who badly needed money. So the Duke of Kent decided that he had no choice but to take an inexpensive house by the sea. He chose the pretty Woolbroke Cottage, a low house surrounded by trees with lovely views towards the sea. But the family still didn’t want to leave London. The Duke struggled to raise money, hoping against hope that they would be able to stay.

On 2 November, the Kents organized a party for the Duke’s fifty-second birthday. The little princess who was only seven months was dressed up in a pretty dress for Papa. She looked like a child of one. The Duke was waiting for the most needed gift — relief from his debts. But money never appeared. On the 21st, the Kents, along with Feodora, baby Victoria, her dry nurse Lehzen and other servants travelled to Woolbroke Cottage. They arrived at their new home in the afternoon of the Christmas Day, in the middle of the snowstorm.

The winter of 1819 was freezing and the nights were very cold. At that time Woolbrook Cottage was an isolated house, and the entire party, used to living in palaces, felt an extreme discomfort. The Dutchess passed the time practicing her English and walking along the sea with Feodora. But she was too lonely and unhappy, and the debts were increasing. The family decided to return to Germany in spring, the house where they had lived just after their wedding.

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Список синонимов к тексту № 3 (advanced)

  1. throw a party = organize a party
  2. a frok = a dress
  3. perishing = extremely cold
  4. insulated = isolated
  5. acutely aware = feel to an extreme extent (остро ощущать)
  6. soaring = rising = increasing
  7. resilient = strong
  8. languid = apathetic
  9. debauched = indulgent in sex, alcohol and drugs
  10. to acquire = to get
  11. scheduled for = appointed for= planned for

The Duke caught a heavy cold. Convinced that he was much stronger than his apathetic, indulgent brothers, he tried to find strengh not to fall ill. Soldierlike, he set out on long sea walks, often returning soaked to the bone. He devoted his free time to returning to Amorbach, their German home. His letter to his friend, in which he asked him to get horses for carriages, was the last. His cold was worsen. He was very sick but still attempting to conquer his illness by ignoring it. He refused to allow his wife to cancel a dinner party planned for that evening. The same night he fell into a deep fever and the next morning was unable to get out of bed.

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Список синонимов к тексту № 4 (advanced)

  1. delirious = unable to speak
  2. bleed (bled-bled) =put leeches to his chest (cтавить пьявки)
  3. discernible = clear
  4. contract = produce vacuum
  5. torment = cause pain
  6. wince =make uncontrolled movement
  7. lament = cry sadly
  8. endure — suffer
  9. feverish = be running a temperature
  10. a blister = bubble on the body filled with liquid
  11. summon = get
  12. sole guardian = the only keeper
  13. legible = clear

By Wednesday, 12 January, the Duke was unable to speak, suffering from severe pains in his chest. He couldn’t breathe properly. Dr Wilsom had him put leeches to his chest but his condition only worsened. The Dutchess was terrified. «I am nursing my beloved one to the best of my abilities,» she sighed. She felt helpless in a freezing house with a severely ill husband and a baby who had also had fallen sick. After a week with no clear improvement, Dr Wilson took a decision of cupping his patient. He made cuts all over the Duke’s body, covering each with a hot cup. When the cup cooled, it produced vacuum and blood was drawn out, causing agonising pain. «For four hours they have been causing him pain,» the dutchess made uncontrolled movements hardly able to watch. When cupping seemed to have no effect, they began to put leeches to him again, and even cut and cupped his head.

The Dutchess cried sadly «My poor Edvard has to suffer so much». She doubted that it could be good for the patient to lose so much blood, when he was already so weak. She was beside herself. Next day the Duke was running a temperature and struggling to breathe. Next day the Duke was bled for the sixth time. «It was too dreadful,» the Dutchess agonised. «There was hardly a spot on his dear body which hasn’t been touched by cupping, bubbles or bleeding. He was terribly exhausted yesterday after all that had been done to him by those cruel doctors.» On Friday ten days after the Duke took to his bed, Sir William declared that the royal family should be informed that he lay in grave danger. He told the Dutchess the truth: «human help could no longer avail.» Still conscious, the Duke managed to get strength to ask for his will to be drawn up, appointing the Dutchess the only keeper of their child and leaving her property. He struggled to hold the pen, worrying that his signature might not be clear.

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Список синонимов к тексту № 5 (advanced)

  1. bouncing with health= healthy and strong man
  2. devastated = terrified
  3. grand funeral= great ceremony while burying
  4. family vault= family cemetery
  5. funeral expenses = money paid for the funeral
  6. mourn= feel and show sorrow

Next morning the fifty-two-year-old Duke died holding the Dutchess`s hand. Only a month ago he was a strong and a healthy man. His wife was terrified. Hardly able to speak English, she was in the country she didn’t know, without even money to leave Woolbrook Cottage. She had a sick baby and a distressed twelve-year-old daughter. Aged only thirty-two she had been widowed twice over. «She kills all her husbands,» said people. The public were shocked that the Duke of Kent of all the brothers should have died. «He was the strongest of the strong. Never before ill in his life and now to die of the cold when half the kingdom have colds. It was very bad luck indeed.» There was no great ceremony while burying the Duke of Kent. He was buried on the night of the 12 February in the family cemetery at Windsor. Prince Leopold paid for the funeral. England’s opportunity to feel and show sorrow for the Duke of Kent was short-lived. At Windsor, King George lay dying.

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Проверим насколько хорошо вы запомнили слова. Переведите с английского, используя подсказки-синонимы.
  1. barely = hardly = didn’t (в контексте прошедшего времени)
  2. upsurge = rise = increase
  3. jubilation = exultation = feeling of triumph = great happiness
  4. severe = deep
  5. strained job market = unemployment = having not enough work
  6. riot = rebel ( сущ. riot = rebellion )
  7. simmer with resurrection = restore the economy
  8. impecunious = who need money badly
  9. alight on = choose
  10. hope against the odds = hope against hope (надеятся на чудо)
  11. throw a party = organize a party
  12. a frok = a dress
  13. perishing = extremely cold
  14. insulated = isolated
  15. acutely aware = feel to an extreme extent (остро ощущать)
  16. soaring = rising = increasing
  17. resilient = strong
  18. languid = apathetic
  19. debauched = indulgent in sex, alcohol and drugs
  20. to acquire = to get
  21. scheduled for = appointed for= planned for
  22. delirious = unable to speak
  23. bleed (bled-bled) =put leeches to his chest (cтавить пьявки)
  24. discernible = clear
  25. contract = produce vacuum
  26. torment = cause pain
  27. wince =make uncontrolled movement
  28. lament = cry sadly
  29. endure — suffer
  30. feverish = be running a temperature
  31. a blister = bubble on the body filled with liquid
  32. summon = get
  33. sole guardian = the only keeper
  34. legible = clear
  35. bouncing with health= healthy and strong man
  36. devastated = terrified
  37. grand funeral= great ceremony while burying
  38. family vault= family cemetery
  39. funeral expenses = money paid for the funeral
  40. mourn= feel and show sorrow

Теперь можно переходить к следующему уроку.

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Теперь попробуем перевести слова без подсказок. Если не впомните слово, обратитесь к тексту и попробуйте вспомнить значение слова по контексту. ЗДЕСЬ

  1. barely noticed
  2. upsurge of jubilation
  3. severe depression
  4. strained job market
  5. riots over food
  6. simmer with resurrection
  7. impecunious people
  8. alight on the house
  9. hope against the odds
  10. throw a party
  11. dressed up in a frok
  12. perishing nights
  13. insulated cottage
  14. acutely aware the discomfort
  15. soaring debts
  16. resilient man
  17. languid brothers
  18. debauched prince
  19. to acquire houses
  20. scheduled for the evening
  21. be delirious
  22. be bleed (bled-bled)
  23. discernible improvement
  24. the air was contracted
  25. be tormented by cruel doctors
  26. the dutchess winced hardly able to watch
  27. she lamented
  28. endure so much
  29. be feverish
  30. had blisters all over the body
  31. summon up the strength
  32. appoint her the sole guardian
  33. might be legible
  34. be bouncing with health
  35. she was devastated
  36. no grand funeral for the duke
  37. be buried in the family vault
  38. pay funeral expences
  39. mourn for the Duke

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На завершающем этапе слова специально перепутаны и даны в другом контексте. Если Вы их вспомнили, то уже достаточно твердо знаете.

Part 1 (10 words)

Translate the sentences with the words in similar context.

  1. Mrs Page is still mourning for her dead son, a year after he was killed in the accident.
  2. He ordered that Matilda’s body should be buried in the family vault.
  3. He was devastated by news of the Cardinal’s death.
  4. Legible writing is clear enough to read.
  5. He claims to be able to summon up the spirits of the dead.
  6. She looked feverish, her eyes glistened.
  7. It’s no good lamenting over your past mistakes.
  8. He winced at the disgust in her voice.
  9. Below the bridge we could discern just a narrow stream.
  10. The young soldier have been left to bleed on the battlefield.
Translate into English:

непроизвольно вздрагивать, причитать, различать, кровоточить (пускать кровь, истекать кровью), лихорадочный, призвать, шокированный, склеп, разборчивый (четкий), оплакивать (10)

Part 2 (10 words)

  1. He could barely stand.
  2. A riot begins.
  3. The cold was not too severe.
  4. The upsurge of political activity took place in the country.
  5. The President was greeted by cheers of jubilation in the streets.
  6. She looked a little pale and strained.
  7. She was simmering with resentment.
  8. Her impecunious relatives lived in an old house.
  9. These criminals had to endure the punishment.
  10. It was not a fortune but would help to cover travel expenses.
Translate into English

вынести (вытерпеть), бедствующий, расходы, ликование, бурлить, сильный, подъем, бунт, напряженный, едва (10)

Part 3 (10 words)

  1. She alighted on the book in question.
  2. Her parents are prepared to throw a party for her.
  3. The insulated passages from the context can affect the meaning.
  4. In the pump the air is contracted.
  5. All his relatives attended the funeral.
  6. He was appointed a guardian to look after the child.
  7. She became delirious.
  8. Do you feel that your muscles are not so resilient as they should be?
  9. Her frock has long sleeves.
  10. They were aware of danger.
Translate into English

в бреду, платье, похороны, назначить опекуном, изолированный, сжатый, сильный, выбрать (часто случайно), устроить вечеринку, сознавать (10)

Part 4 (9 words)

  1. Against all the odds, we won our case (дело).
  2. He was able to summon up the spirits of the dead.
  3. Debauched people behave in a way that you think is socially unacceptable, for example because they drink a lot of alcohol.
  4. The cost of living continued to soar.
  5. I managed to acquire all the books I needed.
  6. It’s perishing in the tent.
  7. The disease has tormented me for sixteen years.
  8. Lisa gave birth to a bouncing baby boy.
  9. A presidential election was scheduled for December.
Translate into English:
Вопреки всем трудностям, запланированный на, пышущий здоровьем (крепкий и здоровый), повышаться, приобретать, ужасно холодный, мучить, призвать, распущенный (во всех отношениях) (9)

Я надеюсь, что уроки английского языка по истории Англии (advanced) помогли вам немного запомнить 40 слов из текстов по истории Англии и первых днях жизни маленькой Виктории. Слова непростые. Однако если вы продолжите вместе с нами читать дальше, то эти и многие другие слова будут, если не в активном, то по крайней мере пассивном запасе. Повторяйте их время от времени. Для этого читайте книги на английском языке! Пока все! Удачи)

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