Английский писатель Эндрю Лэнг собирал сказки. Так родилась книга, которую он назвал «Разноцветная волшебная книга» (Coloured Fairy Book). В этой книге вы найдете сказки всех народов мира: французские, немецкие, русские, английские, шотландские, и даже китайские. Все эти сказки Эндрю Лэнг перевел на английский язык и теперь вы тоже можете прочитать их. Вот французская сказка из этой книги, которая называется «Подарки Феи» (Fairy Gifts). Книга рекомендуется для чтения на английском языке детям в 5 классе средней школы.
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Из цикла «Чтение на английском языке для детей»
Books Yellow, Red, and Green and Blue
All true, or just as good as true.
For every child should understand
That letters from the first were planned
To guide us into Fairy Land.Andrew Lang
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«Fairy Gifts» by Andrew Lang
Read the story «Fairy Gifts» from the Green Fairy Book and you will know what gift to ask from a fairy. But first learn new words:
- leave — покидать, оставлять
- chariot drawn by butterflies — карета, запряженная бабочками
- envy — завидовать
Once upon a time there lived a Flower Fairy. She lived in a lovely garden full of flowers and trees. The Fairy was beautiful and kind, everybody loved her. There were young princes and princesses who lived with her in the garden. All of them were very happy because they were near her and they never left her until they grew up. When the time came and they had to leave her, she gave to each of them a gift.
In her garden there was a Princess whose name was Sylvia. The Fairy loved her with all her heart as she was the nicest and the youngest.
Two princesses Iris and Daphne grew up and left the beautiful garden. Once the Fairy wished to know how the princesses were doing.She decided to send Sylvia to them because it was the time for Sylvia to leave her and the girl did not know what gift she was going to ask. So, Sylvia got on a chariot drawn by butterflies and went to see Iris and Daphne.
First, she arrived to the garden of Princess Iris. Iris got the gift of beauty from the Fairy. But unfortunately, she became ill and her beauty was gone. That is why Sylvia would not like to get the same gift.
Then Sylvia was sent to Princess Daphne. Daphne was one of the princesses who asked for the gift of beautiful speech. Of course, she spoke well but she never stopped talking. So Sylvia did not like this gift, too. When she returned to the Fairy it was the time to get a gift. The Fairy asked what Sylvia wanted to take with her into the great world. Sylvia paused for a moment and then answered, «Happiness. To be happy in the world is all I want.»
And the Fairy presented her with this gift. Sylvia never wanted expensive gold rings or big castles, she never envied anybody and was always happy. And all people around her were happy, too.
- Почему попугай повторяет слова — Why parrot repeat words
- Сказка про лошадь и собаку, которые не умели бегать — A Horse and a Dog