Аудиокниги на английском языке с текстом и заданиями
Приступаем к изучению творчества Чарльза Диккенса. Мы начинаем читать и слушать на английском языке один из его интереснейших романов, который называется «Большие ожидания». Иногда можно встретить. такой перевод названия: «Большие надежды». Текст аудиокниги Great Expectations адаптирован и относится к уровню СРЕДНИЙ (Intermediate). Рекомендуем для изучающих английский язык. Слова для изучения, а также сложные конструкции и обороты выделены. Глава 1 «Человек на кладбище».
Charles Dickens. Great Expectations (for intermediate)
Chapter One «The Man in the Churchyard»
- the most frightening thing — самое страшное
- wandered into the churchyard — забрел на кладбище
- wilderness — дикая местность
- marsh country — болотистая местность
- scared me half-way out of my skin — напугал до полусмерти
- seized me by the chin — схватил за подбородок
- teeth chattered- зубы стучали
- begged- умолял
- turned me upside-down — перевернул вверх ногами
- like a hungry beast — как голодный зверь
- a threatening shake- угрожающе тряхнул
Audio for Chapter One.
It was, I think, the most frightening thing that ever to happened to me. . .
I am a grown man now, but I was a small boy at the time, and I can feel, even yet, the thrill of horror that ran through me on that Christmas Eve, all those years ago.
I had, for some reason, wandered into the churchyard and found my parent’s grave. It was a raw afternoon towards evening, I remember; the wind was rushing in from the sea and beyond the churchyard wall there stretched the dark flat wilderness of the marsh country, with the river winding across it. I was already a bundle of shivers, feeling lost and afraid, when a figure started up from among the gravestones and scared me half-way out of my skin.“Hold your noise! ” cried a terrible voice. “And keep still, you little devil, or I’ll cut your throat! ”
He seized me by the chin; a fearful man, all in coarse grey, with a great iron on his leg. A man with no hat, and with broken shoes, and with an old rag tied round his head. A man who was wet to the skin and covered in mud; who shook and shivered, and whose teeth chattered in his head as he glared into my eyes.
“Oh, don’t cut my throat, sir,” I begged, in terror. “Pray don’t do it, sir. ”
“Tell us your name! ” said the man, giving me a little shake. “Quick! ”
“Pip, sir. ”
“What? ” said the man, staring at me.
“It’s really Philip, but everyone calls me Pip. ”
“Show us where you live,” he ordered. “Point to the place. ”
I pointed to where our village lay, among the trees, a mile or more from the church.
The man looked at me for a moment, then turned me upside-down and emptied my pockets. There was nothing in them but a piece of bread. When the church came to itself again — for he was so sudden and strong that he made it go head over heels before me — I was seated on a tall gravestone, trembling, while he ate the bread like a hungry beast.
“You young dog! ” he said suddenly, with a threatening shake of his head. “What fat cheeks you’ve got! I’ve half a mind to eat you! ”
I hurriedly expressed my hope that he wouldn’t, and held tighter to the stone to keep myself from crying.
“Now look here,” said the man, “where’s your mother? ”
“There, sir,” said I.
He jumped, started to run away, then stopped and glared at me over his shoulder. I pointed.
“There, sir,” I explained, timidly. “She’s dead — and my father, too.”
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Activities for Chapter One:
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8. Слушать аудиокнигу Great Expectations ПРОДОЛЖЕНИЕ главы первой:
- a blacksmith- кузнец
- a file — напильник
- seize — схватить
- hold (held,held) — держать
- tilt — наклонить
- swing (swang, swung) — качнуть
Audio for Chapter One (continuation):
Answer the questions:
- What did the man ask the boy to bring?
- Did he threaten the boy? Why?
- Who did he tell him about?
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ПРОДОЛЖЕНИЕ аудиокниги на английском языке Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
- Charles Dickens. Great Expectations. Chapter 2 «Morning on the Marsh»,
- Charles Dickens. Great Expectations. Chapter 3 «The Hunt»
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