Do you know how Stonehenge was built?
Stonehenge is a monument to the pre — celtic civilization. Rude and majestic, this monument stands on Salisbury Plain. According to the data from the English Heritage its constuction started in about 3000 B.C. and consisted of several phases (see pictures below).
Now we can see the semi-circular ruin. It is all that was left from that circular gigantic structure. Have you ever thought that some ancient architects just played cards? They put huge stones on perpendicular props so that the whole structure looks like houses built of playing cards. The horisontal slabs seem be soaring — whence the name of the structure, the “Hanging Stones” that is “Stonehenge”.
Stonehenge or the Hanging Stones (in pictures)
We take pictures of it and still wonder about its purpose. It can’t have been a fortification because it doesn’t look like that. Could it be a place of worship, a sanctuary? The historians beleived so and the cult had been probably the suncult. Although there is a hypothesis that it could have been an astronomical observatory, as the geometrical form of the structure suggests that. All these guesses may be close to the truth because ancient priests were sure to need the astronomical data to control their believers.
It seems difficult to imagine the way the giant stones were erected to the upright position. But apparently those ancient people were clever enough. Below you can see how they did it and the stages of building Stonhenge (from the book «The History of England for children», 2000)
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How Stonehenge was built (in pictures)
1. How Stonehenge was built. The first steps (1-3)
- They built a mound on the ground.
- They pulled slabs up to the mound and put them into the long pits.
- They level the position upright.
2. How Stonehenge was built. The next steps (4-5)
- They put the lintels on the ground and joined them.
- They connected the lintels in a special way.
Stonehenge at different times. History
I. Stonehenge 3100 B.C.
II. Stonehenge 2100 B.C.
III. Stonehenge 1500 B.C.